Two days in our favorite city. Come with us and have a walk in Paris.
Shot with Nikon D700 + Nikon D800 + Nikkor 35mm f/1.8 + Nikkor 50mm f/1.4

Two days in our favorite city. Come with us and have a walk in Paris.
Shot with Nikon D700 + Nikon D800 + Nikkor 35mm f/1.8 + Nikkor 50mm f/1.4
Storytellers - chapter 1.
Questa serie è un tributo a tutte le persone meravigliose che incontriamo sulla nostra strada. Persone che lasciano un segno, con la loro creatività, il loro stile di vita, la loro anima. Una manciata di foto e un assaggio della loro storia. Questo è ciò che vi daremo, perché possiate esserne ispirati anche voi.
Abbiamo conosciuto Serena a Parigi, cinque anni fa. Intelligente, bellissima e affamata di vita. L'abbiamo incontrata ancora quest'anno, sempre a Parigi, dopo che ha passato gli ultimi due anni in giro per il mondo in autostop.
È una viaggiatrice, una cittadina del mondo, ma dovunque sia, torna sempre al suo primo amore, la "sua" città.
This series is a tribute, to all the wonderful people we meet on the road. People who blow our mind with their creativity, their way of living, their souls. Few photos, and a glimpse into their story. This is what you will have, to be inspired too.
We met Serena in Paris, five years ago. She was smart, beautiful and hungry for life. We met her again this year, always in Paris, after she spent two years hitch-hiking through the world.
She's a traveller, a world citizen, but wherever she is, she always comes back to her first love, her city.
“It is no accident that propels people like us to Paris. Paris is simply an artificial stage, a revolving stage that permits the spectator to glimpse all phases of conflict. Of itself Paris initiates no dramas. They are begun elsewhere. Paris is simply an obstetrical instrument that tears the living embryo from the womb and puts it in the incubator. Paris is the cradle of artificial births. Rocking here in the cradle each one slips back into his soil: one dreams back to Berlin, New York, Chicago, Vienna, Minsk. Vienna is never more Vienna than in Paris. Everything is raised to apotheosis. The cradle gives up its babes and new ones take their places. You can read here on the walls where Zola lived and Balzac and Dante and Strindberg and everybody who ever was anything. Everyone has lived here some time or another. Nobody dies here…”
Find Serena, her travels and photo blog here: