At Valdirose, everything speaks of details carefully planned, traditions of the past, and memories of happy moments. How could we not shoot in there in a similar way? Film, and our vintage cameras, in our opinion perfectly suggest the mood of the place, but anyhow, you should really pay a visit to discover two beautiful souls, Paolo and Irene, to taste their cakes and to savor their enchanting tuscan accent.
Read moreMelissa - Portraits
When Melissa contacted us for a portrait session on film we were super happy! She's an amazing American film photographer in love with Italy, and we spent a great afternoon with her. Camogli was in our mind since the beginning of our conversation as a possible location. The pastel colored houses, the sea, the little church…everything screams Italy! We were lucky enough to have a little sunshine before sunset, then epic clouds and finally rain. Nothing that gelato and cappuccino can't fix.
Shot with Contax 645 | Kodak Portra 400 & Kodak Portra 800 | Developed and Scanned by Carmencita Film Lab & Nikon D700.
Find Melissa and her amazing work on her website!

Rachel + George - on Film
Film + Tuscany + the wonderful wedding of Rachel and George.
All shot with Contax 645 + Kodak Portra 400 and Kodak Portra 800. Developed and Scanned by Uk Film Lab. Last two pictures were shot with Fuji Instax Wide.

Lucia on Film
In questo post abbiamo parlato di quanto riteniamo importante ritagliarsi uno spazio per i progetti fotografici personali, che ci aiutano a dare nuova forma alla nostra passione e a non perdere mai l'ispirazione. Ultimamente, tanto di quello che ci piace ha a che fare con l'analogico e i suoi ritmi lenti, tra la ricerca di rullini e l'attesa dello sviluppo.
Ecco quindi qualche scatto aggiuntivo di Lucia, questa volta su pellicola.
Tutto realizzato con Contax 645 + Kodak E100G | Fuji Pro 400 H
In this post we talked about the importance of preserving a space for personal work, to give a new shape to our passion and to be always inspired. Lately, so much of what we love involves analog and its slow pace, from the search for rolls, till the wait for the development.
Here you are some additional shots of Lucia, on film.
All shot with Contax 645 + Kodak E100G | Fuji Pro 400 H
Developed & scanned by us + Indie Film Lab