We definitely have a thing for packaging, boxes, ribbons and everything paper-related. That's why we like to change and innovate our packaging every year. We love to brainstorm about new themes and moods, finding props and accessories to create a unique way to showcase our work that truly represent our taste.
Read more2015
At the end of every year we do not completely realize what we have been through in the last 365 days. Even if we try and collect our memories, we usually miss some faces, travels or breathtaking view. So, this 2015 diary is not just for you, but mainly for us, because we want to remember.
We want to remember happy moments, and moving tears, the Alps covered with snow, and the golden Apulian light, our beloved Paris, and the great beauty of Rome. Lots of moments mean lots of pictures - so grab yourself a cup of coffee while you look through one of the longest post we've ever published! ( #sorrynotsorry)
And thank you for believing in our work. It's because of you that we've been selected between world's best wedding photographers by one of our favorite wedding websites. Thank you - everyone of you - for making this so special.
Alla fine di ogni anno, non ci rendiamo completamente conto di cosa sia successo nei 365 giorni precedenti. Anche se cerchiamo di mettere in ordine i ricordi, capita che ci dimentichiamo qualche viso, qualche viaggio, o qualche panorama stupendo. Quindi questo diario del nostro 2015 non è solo per voi, ma soprattutto per noi, per tutto quello che vogliamo ricordare.
Vogliamo ricordarci dei momenti felici e delle lacrime commosse, delle Alpi innevate e della luce dorata della Puglia, della nostra amata Parigi e della Grande Bellezza di Roma. Tanti momenti, quindi ovviamente tante foto - vi consigliamo quindi di prepararvi una tazza di caffè prima di mettervi seduti a guardare uno dei post più lunghi che abbiamo mai pubblicato! (#sorrynotsorry)
E grazie, per aver creduto nel nostro lavoro. È anche per voi che siamo state selezionate fra i migliori fotografi di matrimonio a livello mondiale, da uno dei nostri blog preferiti. Grazie, a ognuno di voi, per aver reso quest’anno così speciale.
Milano Wedding Meetup
Il primo Milano Wedding Meetup è stato un successo, e la conferma che il nostro lavoro è fatto di collaborazione, amicizia e condivisione.
Il 4Cento di Milano ci ha accolto nel suo giardino fuori dal tempo, in cui la città è un ricordo lontano, e i divani sono un invito a trattenersi ben oltre l'orario di un "aperitivo". Abbiamo festeggiato anche noi, ma come succede spesso, con le macchine fotografiche al collo.
Godetevi il racconto della serata! Grazie a Cristina, Le Jour du Oui e Sofia, Il Profumo dei fiori, per l'organizzazione impeccabile!
Everytime we have the chance to spend some days in Rome we feel overwhelmed with its beauty.
La Grande Bellezza gifts you with some breathtaking views, the coolest restaurants and the best food, and some quirky shops that seem to have been there forever. Guess everyone sees Rome differently, but for us it has the warm, earthy colors of sunset and the shadows of the huge trees you find everywhere. It's yellow, tiny cars and sunny outdoor coffee places, it's tourists everywhere, and silence in the churches.
Hope you like "our" Rome.
PNW - The great Pacific Northwest on Film
Our favorite photographers come from the Pacific Northwest.
One of our fav tv series was filmed in Washington State.
Our fav magazine, and all the slow life inspiration we love so much, was crated there, and their HQ is even more gorgeous than you would expect.
And then, there is a magical place, we always dreamed of visiting.
So here you are our travel reportage. Oregon and Washington States, and a stopover in the beautiful Chicago, who has the best film shop ever seen. (Almost) everything was shot on film, unless it was too windy ( oh, Chicago winds!), cold or rainy. Because a slow, meaningful life means savoring every bite of it, with no hurry, or pressure, even the one that forces you to constantly check pictures on a screen, after you click the shutter. Hope you can enjoy it. Slowly, of course.
Shot with Contax 645 + Carl Zeiss 80mm f/2 + Kodak Portra 400 + Kodak Portra 800. Dev & Scanned by Carmencita Film Lab
At times, when the contax was not handy, or it was too cold or rainy we also shot digital, with a Nikon D800 + 50mm f/1.4. Here you are some more pics: