Ilaria + Emanuele - Engagement session in Torino

It always happens. At the end of the long and cold winter months, we can't wait to take our cameras out in the sun and start shooting again. And usually, in the early spring, it's engagement sessions time. 

We have already said about a million times how much we love e-sessions, right? A couple of hours with two people we get to know better, strolling around a city they love (Turin, you, beautiful town filled with amazing spots!), and at the end of the day we are no more photographers and clients, but friends who shared good times, laughters and adventures.

We are even more excited now about their boho wedding in June: there will be plenty of details we love, and, we already know that, some beautiful people to share a special day.

Alessandra + Paolo - Engagement Session in Oltrepò

Con certe coppie è amore a prima vista. Ci è successo proprio questo con Alessandra e Paolo, già dal primo incontro in cui ci hanno raccontato tutti i dettagli bellissimi che avevano pensato per il loro matrimonio, e ancora di più quando ci siamo rivisti per scattare la loro engagement session sul fiume, con un bouquet di lavanda, qualche polaroid, e candele che non rimanevano accese.

Questa coppia ha davvero qualcosa da insegnare sull'Amore.

With some couples is love at first sight. That's what happened with Alessandra and Paolo, when we first met them and listened to all the great ideas they had for their wedding day, and even more when we shot their engagement session on the river, with a lavender bouquet, some polaroids, and candles that would not stay lit.

These two can really teach something about Love.

Shot with Nikon D800 & D700, 35mm 1.8, 50mm 1.5, 85mm 1.8, 24-70mm 2.8

Francesca+Marco - Love Session

Francesca & Marco needed some pictures for their save the date  - and by the way, we are creating some gorgeous designs, stay tuned! - and we couldn't wait to hit the woods!

One of the first sunny days after the long winter, the first signs of spring in the air, and this lovely couple who will get married next June. Can't wait!

Shot with: Nikon D700 + Nikon D800 + 50mm f/1.8 + 85mm f/1.8 + 35mm f/1.8

Giulia + Daniele - Engagement

 Roma | Italy

Digital and Film (Contax 645 + Fuji Pro 400H)

 Giulia e Daniele, una mattina tiepida di fine autunno, Roma ancora addormentata e tranquilla, una passeggiata da Monti al Colosseo.

Per iniziare l'anno sentendoci ancora un po' in vacanza, con l'augurio di uno splendido 2014 a tutti voi. Che sia un anno di scoperte stimolanti, ritmi rallentati, piccoli piaceri assaporati, amore dato e ricevuto in abbondanza.

Grazie a Fabio Cremasco (

Farrah + Nelson - Engagement

Firenze | Italy

Un servizio fidanzamento "destination". Farrah e Nelson, californiani, hanno deciso di farlo in Italia. Quando ci hanno contattato non potevamo essere più felici: la meraviglia di Firenze, una splendida giornata di sole e una coppia bellissima, dentro e fuori...non potevamo chiedere di più. Grazie ragazzi, e auguri per il vostro matrimonio!

A destination engagement. Farrah and Nelson, from California, decided to have their engagement shooting in Italy. When they called us we couldn't have been happier: the beauty of Florence, a lovely sunny day and a wonderful couple, both inside and out...we couldn't ask for more. Thanks guys, and all the best for your wedding!